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The Empire Post takes data security very seriously and we have implemented another level of safety for our projects and in turn our clients. 

Introducing the LTO-7 tape library from Edit Share - The Ark Tape provides an integrated solution for easy, energy-efficient backup and archiving of media and projects. Our clients will now have the option to increase their level of security for project rushes and subsequent files. For more information on how we can provide the highest level of backup for your projects, contact us today.


Catering and coffee might come to mind when you hear "on set services" but of course post production facilities can be provided on set too. Recently, The Empire Post provided offline editing services on set for clients such as AJF, The Australian Government and Holden. 

On set editing services are a great option for projects with short turn arounds - ingesting, logging and editing are able to be done on set to save time and what better way to ensure all scenes are shot correctly by being able to provide the director and client with an idea of what the final product will look like - right there on set

Digby Hogan